Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First Goodbyes

Sunday morning I said goodbye to  Door County and my bestie...and it was not easy. After a tearful goodbye, I drove down the highway, singing (poorly) to Adele's broken-heart love songs, and taking in every last look at that beautiful place. And I say "last" as in "at least 8 months" kind of last. Once I got to Green Bay (actually when I got over the bridge and had my "last" look at Lambeau), things really went downhill. I started thinking about how hard it was to say good-bye to my best friend. How do I say goodbye to my sister, my kids....oh God, my grandchildren! It was a tough ride home.  I can't even blame lack of sleep, too much drinking/partying, anything on this maudlin behavior. Just having a moment!
After a good nights sleep, I was able to wake up with a renewed enthusiasm and a more realistic outlook on our inevitable goodbyes. It's not forever, we have skype and phones, there are planes that can get you home in a flash if need be. And Jeff and I will be seeing and experiencing this country while we can still enjoy it. And we'll have each other, which is not bad! Not bad at all!!!


  1. Well, we hate to see you go but will stay in touch. You are departing on a new venture to meet new friends:

    (Insert Deliverance Photo Here)

    Anyway we wish you the best and remeber, you can take the couple out the ghetto, but never the ghetto out the couple!! Love ya: Clayton

  2. I am excited and a bit jealous of your adventure. You two will see so many things and create so many memories. Enjoy this time and do not look back but forward!!! It is so easy to stay in touch these days. I will be here (just a skype away) whenever you need me :) Love you both to the moon and back!
