Friday, January 27, 2012

Tates Hell and Our Heaven

Lazy day today...kind of. Last nights storm made everything crystal clear and sparkling blue today. We could see the islands off our coast so clearly today that you could even make out the buildings and trees from 3 miles away. I had to get out on the beach this morning for a 2 mile beach hike. The tide was low, there were no "dangerous marine animals" to be seen and the sun was shining. We were in no rush this morning and didn't head out until 11 a.m. We went to Tate's Hell State Forest just down the road and did a four-mile trek through the "palms and pines". Very pretty...if not for the palms we would have thought we were in Northern Minnesota.
After our hike we drove into the actual town of Carrabelle to get some groceries. I had read about a bar called "Harrys" that sounded very cool, very "local" so we stopped in for a beer. The crusty, and 70 year old, bartender wasn't exactly the warmest person in the world but the environment was all small town Florida.

And the best part...they even had a "Rusty Shit" wall. Just like at home!

We got our groceries and went back to the BP. Jeff wanted to take the truck to get a wash so I took a book and a beach towel and went back to, you know....the beach! It was cooler today but still a pleasant 70 degrees and the sun felt wonderful. I was not the only one with that idea as I think half the RV park was at the beach.


I couldn't sit long so I took another walk along the shore. Barefooted this time (no Jellyfish!) and saw what I had been hoping for....Dolphins. Feeding on the Mullet but quite a ways out in the bay. Still, a pod of about 6 that surfaced and dove as they swam along.

Hard to get a picture, but there they are! When Jeff got home he said he had seen them down the road on his way home. So we both got to experience that treat. What is it about these creatures that are so endearing and awesome? Beautiful evening at home with steaks on the grill and plans for tomorrow.

The BP in the center.

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